New Year's Resolutions

I'm seeing a ton of New Year's Resolutions out there and I LOVE them all but let's remember

1. Sustainability is the key!:  If you hate to run don't make running a marathon your first and only fitness goal. Hate mornings, then don't plan on morning workouts. Find what you love and enjoy, then fit that into your schedule. If you hate veggies becoming a vegetarian might not be the best first goal, find something that works in your life long term.

2. Open Mindset:  Don't go into anything with a negative mind. That will always lead to a negative experience and your chances of wanting to do it again decreases.

3. Build your Tribe!: Find like minded individuals that have common goals and support each other.  Surround yourself with greatness!  Hate your gym? Then find and try some new places! Find an on-line forum, text a friend, etc..

4. Watch all or nothing tendencies: Can't fit 30 minutes of exercise in your day? Do a nice 10 minutes walk or 10 minutes of yoga before bed. Something is always better than nothing

5. You can't outrun a bad diet...PERIOD!!:  Watch portions, try to follow a 80/20 rule, moderation is key!

6. Measure progress with tons of different tools: Measurements, how your clothes fit, energy, endurance, strength, distance, stress reduction, better sleep, confidence, and lastly the scale (because we know it doesn't tell us everything)

7. Make SMALL realistic actionable goals!:  When you are first making changes 5 times a week is often unrealistic as you are building a routine, changing behaviors and that just takes time and patience. Start small..."I will go to the gym no less than 2 times this week after work for at least 30 minutes"  "I will drink no more than 1 soda per day for the next 2 weeks"  Don't focus the small goals on outcomes but focus them on behavior changes. (The outcomes will come!)

8. Focus on what you can do and not what you can't do:  If you have knee issues don't focus on only lower body cardio exercises right away. Look into water options, look into upper body strength exercises, try yoga. Ask yourself "What can I do today?"

9. Have a back-up plan - Shit happens, work happens, kids happen, life happens. Have a back-up plan. If I can't get outside or to the gym today I will do a 30 minute strength workout in the basement or a 20 minute yoga video at home.

10. Find your WHY!! - Your why keeps you grounded and stable when life is throwing everything at you. Your WHY should be deep, it should give you chills to think about, it inspires you and is your personal fire to keep motivation going.